2013 Season Wrap-up

by Elisha McCulloh
What a wonderful first season we’ve had in 2013! Over 100 people visited the ranch, with more than 20 participating in 75 sessions in our youth program. Here are some pictures from our sessions. (More text follows – sorry if it’s too many pictures; we just had so many good ones to share!)
In addition to sessions, we had work days, group and family events. Each event was truly a blessing!
We also participated in National Night Out at Milligan Park in Crawfordsville, providing a horse-painting activity and face painting for kids. We were blown away by the enthusiastic response and it kept us hopping the whole evening!
We celebrated the end of our first season with a fall cookout, with pony rides, games, music, praise time and food, all free to participants. Thanks, Moody Meats, for the delicious pork burgers, to our wonderful performers, and to each and every volunteer!
God has truly blessed us with the opportunity to make new friends, serve him through this ministry to children and their families, care for some of his beautiful creatures, make improvements to the facilities, and learn so very much along the way!
You may have noticed that we haven’t posted on this blog for a few months. We truly are behind and hope to catch up now that things are starting to slow down here. We have been posting pictures and brief updates on our FaceBook page throughout the season and will continue to do so year-round.
Please pray for us as we care for the horses over the winter and plan for another great season in 2014!
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