Spring on the Ranch

by Nicole Wilson
This has been quite a journey so far, and it’s just the beginning! Right now our focus has been on getting the ranch ready to bring our first rescue horses to. This has been a challenge for me, because I’m pretty much in charge of the physical aspects of the ranch, and at the age of 23, I really have a lot to learn! It feels as though it’s been mistake after mistake, but I just keep telling myself that means I’m going to be REALLY wise when I’m old! Haha!
In spite of all of the setbacks and mistakes, this place is really starting to look beautiful. It’s spring, so the pastures are vibrant and green.
There are beautiful flowers coming to life everywhere!
The critters are fat and happy.
And our big fencing project is coming along nicely!
There’s still a lot to do, but it’s been so exciting to see all of the progress that’s been made!
I’m definitely being tested physically and mentally every day trying to get this ranch running, but I wouldn’t ask for anything else. What a wonderful new life this is! Getting to be outside all day every day, working to make a safe haven for horses and children . . . what a blessing!
Other than being the Ranch Manager, I am also the Horse Trainer. So when we do finally rescue our first horses, I get to be the one who works with these horses to bring them back to health and/or train them so that they are safe for the kids who come to the ranch, or so that they are safe to adopt out if they seem like they need a more experienced rider than a kid. This aspect of my job here at the ranch is the most intimidating. I have ridden horses most of my life, and owned my own horses for the past 10 or so years, but I’ve never rescued a horse. I know it will be a whole new experience to rescue a horse, and I’m anxious to jump in and get started. Who knows what these horses’ histories will be, and what baggage they will bring with them. I just pray that I will have the knowledge to help these horses and to transform them into confident happy partners for the kids that come to the ranch.
I’ll end with one of my favorite quotes, which I think applies perfectly to our mission with this ranch:
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” – Sir Winston Churchill
What a good quote! That place looks awesomer and awesomer every time we come out. Keep up the good work, and good luck whenever you get the first horse(s)! See you Sunday…
I’m so glad to be on your list to be kept up to date on your progress. What an exciting time this is for you! You must keep a journal or something because you will need it when you write your first book! I am so impressed with your determination and courage. I have great confidence in your ability to overcome the hurdles you will encounter and you know there will be some. I know you have a great support group and if I can help sometime, let me know. I think this is a great thing you are doing.